EVERYONE can shop!
Store Hours: 8 am-9 pm, Daily
Closed: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day

The program be mostly the same this year as it was last year. The vouchers will have expiration dates set to expire at the end of each quarter. Look for future announcements about the program on our website,
in-store, and Facebook.
Get the facts
You don't have to sign up or give out any personal information.
Anyone with a Link card can participate.
Redeem vouchers in the same shopping trip or bring them back later!
The more vouchers that customers redeem the more grant money we receive!
The amount of vouchers available represents the amount of grant money allocated to the Co-op.

How distribution of vouchers works
How we determine the number of vouchers we distribute to customers is based on a grant that is allocated to the Co-op. Each voucher is valued at $1. If we receive $12,000 in grant money, we can give out 12,000 coupons. Once all vouchers have been distributed, we are unable to give out more until we receive more grant money. This is why it is important for customers to use the vouchers sooner rather than later. We will qualify for more grant money based on the redemption rate of the original grant.
Link Match vouchers are only valid for a limited time. The vouchers are valid up to the end of each fiscal quarter. This helps us monitor vouchers distributed but not redeemed. Once voucher expiration dates approach, we will begin to issue a new set of vouchers with the next expiration dates with the remaining available grant funds.
The three rounds of distributed vouchers have three distinctive color palettes, as well as clearly indicated expiration dates to assist customers and our staff. Link Match vouchers from previous years will not be accepted.
Valid dates for vouchers are as follows:
Orange vouchers (1st round): Available to use from program start through June 30, 2025
Purple vouchers (2nd round): Available to use from July 1 through September 30, 2025
Green vouchers (3rd round): Available to use from October 1 through December 31, 2025
Read more about the program or to learn about participating markets and stores, click the following English or Spanish.
More about the program
Neighborhood Co-op Grocery is excited to participate in the Link Match incentive program, which allows low-resource individuals and families an opportunity to increase their buying power. We are always looking for ways to make shopping at the Co-op more affordable and inclusive of the whole community. By partnering with Experimental Station, we are able to participate in the Link Match program that helps more people gain access to healthy local produce and helps more local farmers strengthen their businesses.
With generous support from the USDA's Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive (FINI) Program and from other corporate, city and private funding sources, Experimental Station’s Link Up Illinois program enables Illinois farmers markets, farm stands, co-ops and grocery stores to double the value of purchases for shoppers using their Link cards, giving customers greater buying power towards fresh, locally produced foods.
Experimental Station works with local organizations, such as the Co-op, to draw awareness, educate, and launch programs like Link Match to allow low-income families greater accessibility for healthier options. Not only does Link Match create opportunities for more affordable nutritious foods, but it also rebuilds linkages between local agricultural producers and consumers. Experimental Station also provides participating markets with training and technical assistance for implementing these programs successfully.
For more information about Link Up Illinois, please visit the website.