EVERYONE can shop!
Store Hours: 8am-9pm, Daily
Closed: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day

September 2021 date: TBA
A big thank you to everyone that attended our 2020 sessions. We had some great conversations throughout the week getting to know some of our Southern Illinois farmers and experts. We got a first hand glimpse into their businesses, learned a lot of great information about their practices, techniques, struggles, accomplishments as well as resources about our food system! Most of all, we learned how important it is to continue to support LOCAL!!
Every session was recorded and links and contact information are listed below.
Regenerative Grazing
Mallory Kreiger
Terra Elossa & consultant to The
Pasture Project
Email: mallory@terraelossa.com
Grant Bauman
Bauman Farms is a grass-fed cattle operation located just outside of Vienna, IL
Email: Grant.bauman86@gmail.com
Plant Based Eating
Leslie Duram
Professor and Director of the Environmental Studies Program at Southern Illinois University, Fulbright Scholar
Email: leslieduram@gmail.com
Maryanne and Bruce Chrisman
Countrysprout Organics is an organic farm located in Carbondale, IL
Pasture Raised Pork & On Farm Food Hub Store
Roger & Tina Schuttek
Big Muddy Hogs, Hurst, IL
Email: bigmuddyhogs@gmail.com
Southern Illinois Farm Beginnings: 3 Farmers Share their Storie
Angela Batson
Envi Botanicals
Email: angela@envisalonandspa.com
www.envibotanicals.com www.envisalonandspa.com
Meghan DeGroot
Simple Gifts
Email: simplegifts4@gmail.com
Mike Hatfield
Flyway Family Farm grows specialty mushrooms commercially
Email: FlywayFamilyFarm@gmail.com
Connecting past heritage and how it can influence the future of Local Foods
Dr. Niki Davis
Professor of Practice in Hospitality, Tourism, and Event Management at Southern Illinois University
Email: rootedinfoods@gmail.com
Liz Rupel
Policy organizer for Illinois Stewardship Alliance
Email: isa@ilstewards.org
At BIG Thank You to our Sponsors!
At BIG Thank You to our Speakers!
Participating farms and speakers include Bauman Farms, Big Muddy Hogs, Countrysprout Organics, Envi Botanicals, Flyway Family Farm, Leslie Duram, Mallory Krieger, Rooted in Foods, Simple Gifts.